Do you believe in Ghost? Others believe and others don’t, but me? No, but I actually experienced ghost bumps but a real Ghost? No, I never see any of them. Let me share you this short story of mine that I have experienced years ago. It is not actually a ghost but a so-called Paranormal. I studied Care Giver Course way back then and we have our On the Job Training (OJT) at Home for the Aged at Manila, Philippines. In our first week we took care of all the elder people and in our second week our task was to care for children with cerebral palsy or what they called special children.
One night, me together with my classmates were in our boarding house, Merly, one of our classmate suddenly cry while she was sleeping. Me and my other classmates wondered what’s happening to her. So I told Vernie to wake her up maybe she was having a nightmare. Merly suddenly talked and said “they have forsaken me” “they did not care for me”. I ran to her bed and slap her, then she started crying, I thought she cried because I slapped her but no, she kept on crying and said again “they have forsaken me”. I grabbed her and I hugged at her back so that she cannot moved, Merly became strong with no reason, I asked her “who are you” and she answered me he is Jason “I am the one who died at room A12”. This revelation shocked all of us! Then again Merly said “they have forsaken me, I was the one who was left at that room”. One of my classmates called our landlady and our landlady prayed. After the prayer, Merly woke up and didn’t know what was happening to her awhile ago, she asked us what happen? All of us can’t answer her because we’re still shocked with had happened.